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Accueil > English > Pictorial creations > Inventory – Tribute to – Reward > Dalinian’s phone booth

- Dalinian’s phone booth Free pictural reworks of Dali

,  par Hervé BERNARD dit RVB

Perspective transparente / Transparent perspective

“ Vermeer de Delft or Gérard Dou (Gerrit Dou or Dow), if they were leaving in 1973 [...] would not find inconvenant to paint car interior or the outside of a phone booth (...) ”

Among the countless chaotic reflections in the town, phone booths are parallelepiped, whom the for outside angles impeccably transparent are alive leibnitzien mirrors being part of an ultra local world which contain an environmental habitat which produce shapes and lot of life.
Salvador Dali

This reward to Dali belong to the series Tribute to... — Inventory and the series Tranparency-Perpsective