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- The luxuriance of the gesture and its ramifications

,  par Hervé BERNARD dit RVB

Film made in 2014 by Hervé Bernard during the creation of a fresco by Stéphanie Nava at the White Project gallery (Paris) during the exhibition entitled “La luxuriance sauvage de leur ramification”.

La luxuriance du geste et de ses ramifications from BERNARD Hervé (rvb) on Vimeo.

About the song wrote by Dean Whitbread
Woody (Woodie) Wilson was a NASCAR racing driver. He had early success, including helping to set up NASCAR, then disappeared for a while, then returned and had more success. It’s not known why he did that.

The song is written from the perspective of somebody who knows him well, saying, Woody, why do you waste your talent, when your fans « lifted you high on your day » ?

and it ends,

"Oh Woody Wilson, you had 50 cars on your tail
And so many have tried, but again and again they have failed
You were fearless and fastest, and you were gonna last this one out
And then you went home, ’cause you just didn’t know what all the fuss was about

Oh Woody Wilson, you are the man you were born to be
Oh Woody Wilson, returning to glorious obscurity
Oh Woody Wilson, you are the man you were born to be
That’s you, Woody."

À propos de ce travail, voir aussi le texte de Jean Louis Poitevin intituléS’y perdre

La luxuriance du geste et de ses ramifications
© Hervé Bernard 2014 / Stéphanie Nava